🎯Myth 1: Heartburn During Pregnancy Means Your Baby Will Be Born with a Lot of Hair
Truth: Heartburn is caused by hormonal changes and the growing uterus pressing against the stomach, leading to acid reflux. While some studies link heartburn to hair growth, frequent heartburn can cause irritability and GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) in both the mother and the baby. Focus on managing heartburn with smaller meals, hydration, and posture changes.
Myth 2: You Should Eat for Two
Truth: Eating for two is a myth that often leads to overeating and indigestion. Instead, eat according to your appetite and nutritional needs. Prioritize nutrient-dense foods and eat whenever you feel hungry. The goal is to nourish your baby, not to double your calorie intake at every meal.
Myth 3: If My Periods Are Irregular, I Can’t Get Pregnant
Truth: Irregular periods don’t necessarily mean you are infertile. Pregnancy is still possible if you are ovulating. Consult a doctor to track your ovulation cycles and address any underlying hormonal imbalances.
Myth 7: Morning Sickness Only Happens in the Morning
Truth: Morning sickness can occur at any time of the day or night due to hormonal fluctuations. Small, frequent meals and ginger-based remedies can help manage nausea.